Saturday, July 18, 2015

Magic Quick Weight loss? Really?

(Written with tongue firmly held in cheek!

Every so often when I write a blog about weight loss surgery or other types of weight loss, I get comments from folks advertising quick weight loss.  The latest comments I've received came from a couple of people who claim that some individual helped them quickly lose weight! (I looked him up on the web and he, calling himself a doctor (?) goes by a couple of different names apparently), - are you ready for he helped them?  He cast a spell on the individuals and caused a weight loss.  The individuals don't claim large losses, 15 lbs or so but still.

Spells?  Like waving a magic wand or ?  In the 21st century?  Really?  I'm not kidding - these people gave me links to this guy's email (he doesn't have a website) and seemed totally serious.

One individual commented on one of my blogs, the following: 

"All thanks to Dr ---- who helped me loose weight when all effots proved abortive. Am on this blog to help those in need of weight loss get the help you need. Worry no more just contact this great man via (email address on yahoo!) and he will help you with a spell, in less than 1 week after i contacted him i lost 15 pounds and ever since i have been having normal meals no more diets and my shape is perfect. What more can i say than a big thank you "

I left the misspellings in there (emphasis on "spell" is mine). Perhaps English is not this person's first language but I think they could have paid more attention to the built-in spell checker (that's the red line under a word). :)

I frankly didn't believe folks in the 21st century believed in "spells" anymore but I guess I stand corrected.  Someone should tell these folks that the reason they lost weight was all their work and not some web foot muttering some words over them.  Take the credit for your weight loss - it's yours to take.

PS: I'm sure these individuals did not say their "magic" words without a fee.  Makes me think I'm in the wrong business! :)

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