Saturday, July 12, 2014

Permanent Weight loss only Possible with Surgery?

So say the providers in the latest article circulating the net...  that the ONLY way to keep off weight is to have one's stomach basically deleted!
Frankly, this article seems like it's another plug for surgery (picturing the usual midline shots of overweight people, of course) because they say permanent weight loss is just about impossible unless you get surgery preferably the surgery "du jour" now, the gastric sleeve which in most cases, calls for the removal of 95% of the stomach, leaving things wide open for not only nutritional deficiencies like B12 which is digested in the stomach but lack of necessary fats and more. (You can supplement protein if you drink protein drinks but things like calcium from supplements is not used well and can cause kidney stones - I found that out the hard way). Yes people can live without a stomach but how well they live, is questionable.
And the sleeve, unlike the gastric bypass, is in no way, reversible.  If people do some research on weight loss surgery, they might find that if it were so great, why do they have to keep coming up with "new procedures" (when the old procedures not only don't work for most people in the long run but also tend to cause rather gnarly health problems.)....
One individual who did stay slim and seemed the poster child for a drastric weight loss surgery which took out not only most of their stomach but most of their small bowel too, found out when they fell and broke several bones, that they had an extreme case of osteoporosis despite being careful about supplementing.

Watching a gastric sleeve surgery is interesting - the picture is worth 1000 words? As they staple away most of the stomach, leaving something about as big as your thumb (and about twice as long as your thumb), they take what looks like the stomach and toss it into a pan destined for "pathology" (i.e. the step before it becomes garbage).
And that's why if people have the gastric sleeve, even if they get very sick, there is no chance for reversal of this surgery.  As surgeon, Dr Terry Simpson puts it, "fat and healthy greatly beats slim and sick!"

Truth be known, even with basically no stomach, most people end up regaining weight and if you read the fine print on the surgical sites, the surgeons EXPECT people ... most people to regain at least 50% of what they lost... so... if you lose 100 lbs with the surgery, your surgeon will expect you to regain at least 50 lbs which still makes you significantly overweight even though you will be a success in the surgeon's book!
It has always amazed me how open surgeons are about these er...drawbacks to surgery.... how it's not going to work unless you diet and exercise (well that works without surgery too!).... how it causes 1% of patients die in the first month,  how if people eat too much, it comes up again (they joke about that).  And of course, there are lots of things one can eat too much of like milkshakes which go down well.

And yet people still keep opting for surgery - only to find out the sad truth later on - that with or without surgery, keeping weight off requires OUR OWN surgery to the brain - how well I know about that one.
"There is no easy road to a place worth going" (Beverly Sills)


Moose said...

Your first two links go to the same place; I don't know if that was your intention.

When that article brings up WLS it does say, "But most people will still be obese after the surgery. Plus, there are risky side effects, and many will end up gaining some of that weight back." Clearly this is not a completely pro-WLS story.

However, it also talks about WLS "research" without linking to any actual research. I could say that "research shows that cherries are now looking more like blueberries" - without proof it's just so much twaddle.

Sue Joan said...

@Moose, did you go to the THIRD link - that link DOES present the research... there is plenty of research which found that WLS is not only risky but not effective in many people... but here's some research just for you: WLS not effective - even a more invasive surgery like the gastric bypass: 34 percent failure rate in 10 years RYGB
Annals of Surgery. 244(5):734-740, November 2006. Christou, Nicolas V. MD, PhD; Look, Didier MD; MacLean, Lloyd D. MD, PhD
A clinical study of 63 gastric bypass patients by Mitchell Roslin and associates, found that not only did 80 percent of the gastric bypass patients in their study suffer a RAVENOUS appetite soon after meals, but also experienced the almost uncontrollable urge to eat which did for many result in weight regain after the first year (the study went for 4 years).

Roslin M, et al "Abnormal glucose tolerance testing following gastric bypass" Surg Obesity Related Dis 2009; 5(3 Suppl): Abstract PL-205.

Abnormal glucose tolerance after gastric bypass


Some of these side effects you would see with the sleeve also. [Farrell TM, Haggerty SP, Overby DW, et al. Clinical application of laparoscopic bariatric surgery: an evidence-based review. Surg Endosc. 2009 Jan 6 (Published online).]

Duodenal switch nutritional deficiencies

Finally the Swedish Obesity study found all types of WLS ineffective for long term weight control (10 years) as well as ineffective for diabetes control. New England Journal of Medicine: Volume 351:2683-2693 December 23, 2004 Number 26 Lifestyle, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors 10 Years after Bariatric Surgery Lars Sjostrom, M.D., Ph.D et al

Moose said...

I have no idea why you think I am pro-WLS or why you think I need to (re-)see the research that shows the dangers of WLS. I said, "However, it also talks about WLS 'research' without linking to any actual research". I was talking about the article you linked, not your post.

You are preaching to the choir. WLS is an abomination that should be wiped from the face of the Earth. It exists solely to make money for the jackals that perpetuate the myth that WLS is a path to health instead of the death and ill health it gives.

My comments were that the article is a problem, not that WLS is good. The article discusses research but does not link to any actual studies. Saying that "Research shows that X causes Y" is pointless without pointing to the actual research. My experience is that at least 9 times out of 10, when an article nebulously talks about "research" but fails to link to actual studies, that's because the actual studies do not back the article's claims.

Sue Joan said...

@Moose, there hasn't been a lot of research on the gastric sleeve but the third link did lead to a scientific article on it. By your comment and refusal to follow the third link and discounting the article, which analyzes the original article, you appeared to be pro WLS... The gastric sleeve is too new for much research however anything which basically removes the stomach, as I pointed out, greatly compromises the digestion of fats (we do need some) and protein, plus a thumb sized stomach would likely NOT produce "intrinsic factor" which is needed to digest B12... You don't need research to figure this out but only a working knowledge of how the digestive tract works which, interestingly many medical providers lack! Medical school apparently do not get that deeply into the micro and nuclear working of the GI tract! Which is why they CAN without guilt recommend WLS...the other reason is the faux idea that obesity kills which has been greatly disproven by studies of the Cooper Institute etc but which medical providers do not familiarize themselves with. Unfortunately, many medical providers limit their ongoing Ed to seminars provided by the pharmaceutical companies which tend to be very pro risky medications and surgery. A sad situation seeing as how many folks are under the false impression that the medical providers are knowledgeable on the subject.